Mini rant ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

I'm not trying to offend/ judge the teen moms on this app. It sickens me a bit seeing posts saying 13,14,15 and pregnant or ttc!! These girls have their whole lives to be kids & childhood you can never get back!! To this day I think about the fun I had being a kid playing & laughing all day not a care in the world! Now I'm in adulthood & boy do I wish I was 5 again!! These girls most likely live with their parents, still in highschool, don't have a good paying job, too immature for the real world. By immature I mean your brains development not the way you act. It makes me sad these girls have teen years that aren't going to be around much longer. Babies can wait until your lives are settled. You most likely don't even know how to take care of yourselves let alone a helpless human being. You say you're ready but you're not. Don't grow up too fast you can't go back & change it. Ugh glad I got that out!!