Advice on newborn!

Hi! I'm a ftm and I know every Baby is different and the first few weeks are the hardest. But I'm looking for advice, tips etc from anyone! So my baby is 3 1/2 weeks and so far I've finally got her sleeping in a swing at night instead of on me which she did for weeks! Not that I didn't love her sleeping on me but since I needed sleep to I just didn't find it the safest. And she won't sleep in the bassinet nor the co sleeper in between us. She needs constant movement! Which I know she will eventually not need this but for now I've got to do what I've got to do so I can get some sleep. First off she has her days and nights mixed I think. During the day she sleeps for 3 hours then needs feeding. At night it's about 2 hours. Wish I could get her to sleep a little longer at night.. But I know eventually she will. The real question I have is that my baby needs constant movement to stay asleep. This is a problem when we are in the car or at the store (I've only taken her out a few times so far, Drs, breastfeeding chat group.. Baby store. ) so if we are at a red light she starts waking up crying. Or if we are in  the  store and she is in the car seat/stroller she starts crying until I start shaking/moving her car seat or pick her up rock her to sleep then put her back down. any advice on getting my baby to sleep without movement? Will this get better? Are there any tips anyone can give me? I'm just afraid she will always need movement to stay asleep. I'm a ftm!