I'm really afraid.. What is this??!(warning graphic photo)

So during the third day of my period I was feeling extremely painful crams of my abdomen but I kinda just pushed through it because i normally have cramps as painful. So I went to the bathroom and as I wiped i got this horrifying blob of I don't know what. One side of me is saying its some weird period uterus blob of blood that I shouldn't be concerned about but at the same time another side of me is dreading that its not that at all. I have been having unprotected sex and I'm terrified that this is the result of that. I can't even say the word but and I may just be paranoid but it just looks so... I mean it has skin on it like what the hell?!?
Please you guys has anyone had this experience or knows what it is?
Please don't let this be a fetus or something but at the same time I need to know the truth