ttc questions

Alyssa • We just wanna have a beautiful child together :)
I'm a little new to checking that normally I just try on my fertile days cross my fingers toes and heart and pray it worked that time. So far it hasn't :( 
So I'm trying to know my body a little better but was a bit confused on the correlation of cervical position and fertility 
Today I am not fertile and af was due it is high med and closed 
Af isn't here yet but I was wondering if  my cervical
Position is in line with my cycle and if af will come soon. 
I want it to so I can try again soon.
I'm also not sure if my
Body really ovulates every month. How can I check that? 
Sorry I'm
So full of questions
But I really want to make this happen for my future Hubbs and I.
It's a hard journey for us.