Baby shower Drama

So me and my SO talked about when i first got pregnant that we wanted seperate baby showers because both our family are huge! Baby is due in 2 months! My mom has my family side baby shower set and its on saturday! I keep telling my SO lets plan the one for his family and friends and he says ok but doesnt ever try! So we both agreed that we would just have them together! So a month ago, i told him to start inviting his family send the invitations send text to your friends. And he always say "i know i will" but he hasnt. Now the party is 5 days away and he only invited one of his friends. When he has a bunch of friends and family! I would invite them but i dont have any of there numbers from getting a new phone. I just feel like maybe hes not that into wanting to express the hapiness of this baby! Is he even happy? My emotions are all over the place! And plus i feel really bad because ever since i told my mom we'll invite his family and friends shes made it such a big deal and planned a BIG party when it was only suppose to be a small get together.