Anyone ever had this happen? FTM HELP!

I am a first time mom so not sure what is normal. I went for a routine doctors appointment yesterday and was checked for dilation and effacement. This is the third time I've been checked. The first two times I was not dilated or effaced at all. This time I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. After my appointment I had a lot of blood. Filled a pad and the toilet when I used the bathroom the first time after being checked. Called the doctor and they said watch it over night as some blood is normal and just make sure it's tapering off. Which overnight it was tapering off. Just some spotting. Well woke up this morning and used the restroom and there again was a toilet full of blood but nothing since. Blood had consistently been bright red. I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor but wanted some feedback from you guys. Thanks in advance for info!