Parenting opinion.

Kelli • My wife and I got married in March 2015. We had our first baby together may 25 2016. We are trying for baby number 3!
Ok so let me say I am a stepparent to an 8 year old girl with a baby boy on the way. I have strict parenting opinions... And somewhat old school. 
Ok so I live in Columbus Ohio and if anyone is from or been here we have a mall called Easton. It's an outdoor mall. We have a lot of stores; tiffanys coach. Etc. the "expensive" stores. But it's still a mall. It has American girl in it. So my mother in law takes my daughter to American girl like every time she sees her. Ok that's cool. But she asked her father before she came to see us for the weekend that he pack her something dressy so she can take her. She didn't want her to feel inferior at American girl. 
Excuse me ? She doesn't need to dress up or fake anything just bc other little girls are a certain way or dress up at this store. Yes it's a nice store and the girls do but it's still a doll store. Go in in sweats for all I care. In my opinion she should dress how she wants bc it teaches you that other people have things you don't and vice versa. Not everyone is the same and not everyone can get what everyone else gets. My mother in law also got her car repo but still thinks American girl should be what she spends money on. I know my child she would rather have time. I sat w her outside and watched her play w chalk. She loved it. Priorities: be who you are 
Does anyone else think I'm just being an ass ?