Need prayers please...

According to my OBGYN im 5 weeks pregnant but already having soo many complications. Last saturday i went into the ER with spotting & cramps. Had blood drawn & an ultrasound but was told that i had a sack but that they couldnt find my baby... i felt my heart braking into a million pieces.. I followed up with my OB on monday & had my hcg checked once again & when i went back in for my results they werent positive... at the ER my hcg was 1800 which means that by monday when my blood was drawn again it had to b at 3600 but was only 2700... i had another ultrasound done once again no signs of a baby... im asking for everybody to please pray for me that this monday that i go back to the clinic they can finally see my baby. Ive been through one miscarrige already at the beginning of the year & dont really want to experience that pain & emptyness that i went through already... please help me pray... thanks everybody in advance...