I went to my weekly appt on Thursday when I was 38+6, and my midwife was supposed to do a membrane s...

I went to my weekly appt on Thursday when I was 38+6, and my midwife was supposed to do a membrane sweep. 
She didn't get to it since she checked my cervix and said I was thinned out and 4 cm, and told me to head to L&D right away. My baby was so low that she was scared of my water breaking and having baby girl at home. 
Got to the hospital and was still at a 4 cm so they had me go get lunch and walk around for an hour. I progressed to 5 cm and they admitted me. I walked more and bounced on a ball and progressed to 6 cm so they broke my water. Before that I hadn't felt any contractions at all but I was contracting 2-3 mins apart! When my water broke labor progressed quickly and I started having strong contractions and got my epidural. Progressed to 10 cm after 2 hours of using a peanut ball on the bed. Labored down for an hour and was at station 2, started to push and ended up pushing in all sorts of crazy positions for 3 hours. Doctor came and I was advised that baby was head up and her chin was stuck in my pelvis so she wouldn't be able to come out even though I was pushing as hard as I could and should have been making progress. Ended up getting a C section but it was all worth it. Have a beautiful baby girl weighing 7 lbs 2 oz!
Last week I was nauseous, having light cramps, and feeling major pelvic pain. I continued to walk and felt the same sharp stabbing pain in my pelvis.