Ppd and anxiety


I'm having really bad post part tum anxiety.

I am 24 now I had my first baby when I was 15 a little girl, she was born with a chromosome abnormality that the geneticist told was not from either side of the parents that it was a freak accident at conception basically.

My daughter was born without a vaginal opening and also they said she had a fistula from her rectum to her bladder so she had to have a colostomy bag put on her as well as a feeding tube.

I chose to adopt my daughter to a family that I was able to keep in contact with when she was 3 months old and first able to leave the hospital. Later on in her life (she lived to be 17 months) she had to have a surgery to remove the majority amount of her intestines. At the time I had no one to support me and so I am not sure why she had to have them removed. I no longer am in contact with her adoptive parents so my concern can't be addressed and I have no way to access her medical records.

I have dated 3 people since my daughter passed, all who contracted similar symptoms of the bowels slowing down and the stool kind of just hovering in the top of the intestines as well as diarrhea and small pebble like stools and constipation.

My husband is experiencing the same problems which did not begin to occur until we had been together for about a month.

My worry is that I am an asymptomatic carrier of some sort of stomach infection or disease. My husband's GI dr has ruled it IBS-C but I strongly do not see this being what it is due to the similarities from previous relationships.. I am overly concerned that my son will obtain whatever mysterious stomach disease that has been occuring. I've researched and found a disease called pseudo obstruction motility disorder.

I do not know whether this disease is contagious but I have read that it can be congenital so does this mean my son will for sure have it as well?

I can't sleep and I cry constantly worrying my son will become sick.

He has had mucus in his stool the passed 2 days as well as less bowel movements then normal.

We took him to the dr yesterday about the mucus and she said it's normal but everything I read online points otherwise.

Has anyone dealt with similar GI disorders or with pseudo obstruction motility before? What are the signs and symptoms? Is it contagious? Have you had a child with it and then conceived another child? This seems like a waiting game to me which only makes the anxiety worse.