Disappointed in gender

I know this sounds so horrible and I feel so guilty, but I did not want a girl.  I just found out today and there wasn't any part of this pregnancy that made me happy.  Just continuous acceptance.  I just wanted a boy, and I can't get myself out of this rut.  Did anyone else feel this way and change later?
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This is always a difficult subject on a forum like this.It must be absolutely brutal for people struggling with fertility to read about women lamenting gender when all they want is to be pregnant in the first place.That said, we each have our own life. Life isn't fair, and some people will struggle to conceive, others will conceive when they don't want to and some people will conceive a different gender than they were hoping to have. One person's tragedy doesn't mean somebody else isn't entitled to their feelings.I was convinced I had a girl, was initially told I had a girl, then found out later that I was carrying a boy. I love my son like nothing else in this world, but I went through a process of feeling disconnected from the pregnancy then starting to feel okay again. I had to grieve a bit for the little girl who never was. Was it a miscarriage? No. Was I still grateful to be pregnant? Absolutely. Was I wrong for how I felt? No, It was still hard, and it still sucked, and I completely understand how people could have some gender disappointment.


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We're expecting another girl. I have the same feels (maybe more so) because I have 2 daughters and this is our last baby. I had so many dreams baby was a boy and we had so much pressure from our family to have a boy. I was so excited to get rid of all my baby girl things and explore the whole new world of boy clothes and toys. And I was looking forward to seeing a father son relationship. When we found out it was another girl I was devastated. I cried. I lost all excitement over being pregnant. Having to grieve for the son I will never have is hard. Gender depression is real, I feel for all the women struggling to come to terms with baby's gender, especially those who have 3+ kids of the same gender. It's been a week since I found out. I'm doing much better. I started buying some cute new girl stuff and I'm now excited to hold my sweet little baby girl. Give it some time. If you are still depressed after a month I would talk to someone but I guarantee you won't feel that way after your holding your beautiful baby girl. 


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Why do the women that clearly see the title still respond with the SAME SHIT? If you dont like women opening up on how they feel on being gender disappointed why open it and comment?! You're comment will not change how she feels and sure in hell not help... With that said. My first was a boy and i really really wanted another one so my son had someone to grow up and be close with, play sports etc. But found out at 15.5 weeks we were getting a little girl. For about 5 weeks we didnt discuss names, buy any clothes or really even talk about it till my 21st week Anatomy scan. As I was laying there staring at the screen; i was just thinking how thankful I was to get a healthy baby and when they confirm that it was a girl it didn't even cross my mind. I was just so happy that she was perfect!Im 34.1 weeks now and I cannot wait for her arrival! I have so much clothes it's overwhelming; we're still having difficulty picking names... I have one and I'm waiting for my boyfriend to pick one he likes so we can choose. Gender disappointment will come and go it's nothing to stress or be ashamed of; the women on here who like to comment when they have no idea what it's like shouldn't even comment.


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I have learned through this app that gender disappointment Is Real at first I used to think all of you were crazy and ungrateful and not thankful and selfish and just ridiculous and some women on here really are but it's all in how you come across in your post like you're disappointed you wanted a boy butt you're going to be ok like you'll feel like this for a little bit but you can tell you're going to be ok this one lady I will never forget the post probably as long as I live she didn't even want to have her baby any more she said she came home and threw a whole bunch of shit out she ripped up like the gift registry I don't know she was just talking crazy but your post I think you'll be okay and I know you're upset you can be upset just never get to the point where you say out loud that you wish you weren't pregnant or anything crazy like that


Posted at
Hang in there. There is no shame in feeling the way you are. Being disapointed doesn't take away from the love you will have for your baby. You need to grief and it's completely normal. It will take time. If you feel the need to talk about it, don't hesitatr to reach out to a friend, family member, someone on this forum or a health care provider.It's important to understand your feeling, accept it and slowly learn how to deal with it and move past it.Take your time :) You got this mama xxx


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You Should Try and at least be happy And grateful For what God sent you . Just Being Honest Not Be Rude or anything but for me it's either way if I have a boy or girl I be very Happy for what god has sent me...


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It's always a 50/50 chance, maybe you have depression and need to talk to a doc? A baby is a joyous thing regardless of gender. Chin up.


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Yes!! We wanted a boy SO bad our first time. When we found out it was a girl, we had a pretty hard time with it. By the time she got here, we were used to the idea and excited and once we met her, we couldn't have been happier. My husband even ended up wanting another girl! But we got a boy this time.


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That's a normal feeling and it's completely fine. You'll get over it. Don't let any of these hateful people put you down. 


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I'm having a boy, but if I am blessed to have another child, I'd love to have a girl my second time around. Mostly because I want to build a mother-daughter relationship that I did not get to have with my own mother. Imagine all the wonderful things you can do together!