Don't know what to think or do

I've had a wacky yr with birth control.i was on depo for 3 shots,got my last one in June. Had a normal period right before my next shot was due. Tried a bcp for 5 days,switched to another and took tht one for 2 weeks. Had a normal period 2 weeks later. Well this month, my period was 5 days late,and when I finally got it,it was lighter than normal,barely filling the tip of a tampon and pink mixed with bright red and brown. I had cramps worse than normal. So bad tht I was puking.not normal for me. Didn't have any sign I was getting af, just started spotting. Would go into the bathroom cuz I had this gushing feeling for the last couple weeks,only to have my panties be soaked with clear cm. went to the dr 4 days ago, and she says its just my body working itself out after the hormones. Which makes no sense because u would think I wouldn't have had 2 normal periods before this one if tht was the case. Until today. I was still spotting,had cramps and sore boobs. The past 2 mornings I've been really nauseous. And all I've had are bfn. So idk wat to do or think. I'm tired of being disappointed