Please read and help if possible.. Long post!

Melanie • Mother of 2 💚💙 🎀💜👣

Please read and give opinion.

Here's the story:

My SO and I have been fighting more since the birth of our second child.

A few days after we took a break (technically still together just social media status changed, we live together and everything, and our status have changed multiple times) my SO changed his fb password. I used to have his password and he never cared but now suddenly he does. It's not like it was a one way thing. He has access to my phone, Facebook, all social media, email.. All with my consent because I dont have anything to hide.

Anyways I had seen that he was looking up girls and stuff but never had messaged or poked any of them (this was before he took away my access to his fb) except there was one girl he friend requested and i guess she works right down the street from our house. Anyways he claims he hasn't talked to, hooked up with or anything else that would hurt me with any girls.

Now he's more protective over his phone, makes sure he logs out if Facebook when he goes on our lap top, all that kind of stuff. After a few days since the split(more like a fight) we had already started making up, acting more like a couple again including getting intimate.

He had asked me if I cared if he drove his friend to the casino and hang out for a couple hours have 1 or 2 beers and then come home, after expressing that I wasn't exactly thrilled because I felt like I was being ditched and put on the back burner, I told him to go and that I'd see him in a few hours when he got home. I stayed home with our 1 and a half year old, and our 10 week old. The last thing he said before he left for the casino is that he intends to actually work on our relationship and even try counseling and he left at 10 at night. Well I was still up at 3 in the morning and he still wasn't home. I tried to call him and it rang and rang until it went to voice mail. I waited a few minutes and called again. This time my calls all went straight to voice mail. I called him well over 40-50 times between 3 and 6:30. I had sat staring out our front living room window and saw what looked like the same car we drive but it was dark so I only saw the shape of the car. I figured it was parked back a bit so it was more so park in front of our next door neighbors house so it was probably the neighbors car(they have the same car as us) well I knew my son would be up about 8 in the morning and I was still up waiting for him to get home at 6 in the morning so I said screw it and went to bed. I got up at 8 to get my son out of bed and saw the parked car... It was home all night! He didnt even drive to the casino. I called his sister to see if she was with him and she said no. It had already been almost 12 hours. I tried calling him some more throughout the day and they all went straight to voice mail. I sent fb messages, texts, and I even hacked his fb to see what he was up to and who to message to get a hold of him. I messaged his friend he was supposed to be with and he never said he was with him. He acted like he didnt know and that he'd let me know if I heard from him(he's also a drunk so he wouldn't be much help) his dad called me and told me he was going to call around to the police departments to see if he got locked up. I took a nap and woke up and he still wasnt home, no response to any of my efforts to contact him. A police officer calls me and tells me he talked to the casino who supposedly has a really good security system and facial recognition and they said they had no record of him ever being at the casino. I was told to call my city police department and file a missing persons report. Just as I was about to call to police, he comes home! I saw him walk up my street and I ask where he was and he said he was at the casino. It had been 19 hours since I had heard from or seen him! He told me he got too drunk and decided to get a hotel.. He showed me the transaction on his card which verifies it was the hotel he said he was going to that's connected to the casino. I didnt know he planned to be at the hotel.. He also showed me his room key I'm his wallet! (Why keep the key?) I ask him how he got there and he said uber. But never got dropped off in front of the house. He was dropped off our of my view from the house and has no email receipt from uber. I asked why he told me he was driving and that it would only be a few hours and he said he knew he would be out late getting pretty drunk and wanted to avoid a fight. I asked why he didnt just tell me that from the start, why leave already lying to me and he again said to avoid a fight. I asked why he never contacted me to tell me he was staying at the hotel, he said his phone was dead, I said I called once and it rang but he claims he never felt or heard it ring. I told him well hotels have phones but he said he was too drunk and just passed out once he got to his room. I asked why not call me when he woke up, he said he was doing so well at the casino he went back down there to gamble some more. (He supposedly was with his friend nick the whole time but when i reached out to him he never said they got a hotel) I said the casino said they didnt have recognition by camera or anything to show he had been to the casino within the last 6 months. He claims they had to have just over looked him and he had proof he was at the casino but I don't recall him ever showing me that proof.

He also told me that he wouldn't consider it cheating even if he did hook up with someone at this hotel because we've been fighting and on a break (even though the last thing he said before he left was that he wanted to work things out)

Now to go back to a few days before the casino incident...

He had gone to a rap concert show to support his friend and had lost his phone so since our breakup or whatever you call it he had been using Facebook until he got a phone from his friend which is an older one. He had that phone when he went to the casino.

I had asked in a joking way if he was going to get back to using his Instagram now that he has a phone and he told me that the phone was old and slow so he wouldn't even bother getting back to his Instagram until he got a phone of his own which now he does.

I looked on his phone tonight and saw he had recently searched her name on fb and went to her profile(he's friends with her and she's the only girl he added after our fight that lead to us deciding weather to work things out or not)

Then on my phone I went to his Instagram and saw his followers and who he's following and look on his and it says he recently started following her(you need to request to follow her to see her pictures so I had looked at her Instagram from his phone.

My point of the Instagram story is that since getting this new phone a few days ago and going back to using Instagram and posting a new picture of his shaved face, he decided this girl was someone he wanted to follow on social media. I mean he wasted no time.

My questions:

What is your opinion on what he's doing and what do you think is going on with this girl?

Do you think he's talking to this girl and trying to act like he's not (we are actively trying to work on our relationship and are considered together)

Do you think he's just being really sneaky?

What do you think about the casino story?

He makes comments like "think I'm cheating all you want, I'm not cheating." "You know I'm getting accused of cheat so much that I actually wish I was cheating so at least I'd be getting something out of it."

He makes these comments and denies the cheating and he's so convincing I don't know what to think.

Am I just being crazy or does anyone have any insight about all this?

Any questions I will answer I just need other women's(and men's opinions) of what's going on. So feel free to ask your SO what they think my boyfriend was up to or is doing.

Might I add that he has been less interested in sex but claims its because of all our fighting.

Sorry this is so long!