My MIL today...

Felicia • Mommy of one amazing girl.eventually want another baby
I normally can handle her being over the top. But today I'm just reaching my limit. My daughter is 1, and it still is like she thinks I don't know what I'm doing.
Like I'll be holding her and saying how I just fed her and she takes her from me and says she needs to give her a snack.
Or today she kept putting her in the ball pit at the pizza place even though I said I didn't want her in there because she still puts her mouth on everything and is getting over being sick.
And then when I was feeding her she moved all the food I had just cut up to give her different food.
And then put everything on a napkin because it wasn't okay to have it on the table.
Like every single thing I do with my child she has to do something different. 🙄😡😤
She's a nice person, but I seriously can't handle her right now.