Question of child abuse...

Erica • Boy mom.
I was thinking today how interesting it is that I see many repetitive posts of people voicing strong feelings with regard to circumsicion and ear piercing being child abuse but I've never seen anyone mention childhood obesity.  I believe when you have a toddler that is morbidly obese for instance that is a form of abuse and way more concerning than circumsicion or ear piercing which are personal choices for a child that is your own. No parent can possibly have any valid argument in favor of over feeding a child and setting them up for a lifetime of health and self esteem issues. Now with that said there are exceptions such as medical issues or children that come from underprivileged backgrounds who's parents may resort to cheaper higher calorie food rather than more expensive fresh food and/or just aren't educated on the topic. I'm referring to the children being paraded on stage at the Maury show like circus acts.. Backstage with 4 pounds of McDonalds fries in front of them for the ratings.  And their ignorant parents yelling how their baby gets whatever they want, or what can I do she/he are always hungry. I'm wondering how other parents feel about this subject, and do you believe it's an issue warranting action from family services due to a child's health and wellbeing being jeopardized?