Letitia • |PCOS| TTC | Journey; 22 Months
I'm kind of new to this app and haven't posted before but i wanted to ask others for there stories so i might not feel so down as i do most days.
 i've been trying to concieve for nearly 2 years 20 months to be precise ( im sorry for this rant for people who have a worse situation as i felt selfish for even considering having a moan..) anyway i've have had PCOS Since i was 17 my periods were never regular even when i first started to have them.. Trying to cut a long story short i had been trying for 12months and had a "false clearblue" ( yeah a FALSE CLEARBLUE) It came back 1-2weeks and i believed up to my  early scan around 9 weeks i was expecting to be crushed when there was
No baby on the scan whatsoever and there was no indication of loss! ( confusing much) I was told sometimes pcos can trigger of hormones which could lead to a negative test.. I was completley devastated and never got the answers i wanted from that situation another year has passed and i'm still yet to see those positive TWO lines...
 I'm waiting patiently for my provera to kick in to kickstart my period and to be booked in for a hystersalpinogram to see if my tubes could be blocked and If <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is my only option.. My partner was tested and he is healthy which is great but knowing everytime that big fat negative comes up the look of dissapointment in his face thats all down to my infertility not his.. I feel asif i can't give him what we both want the most ive tried vitex i take folic acid everyday i'm on metformin i diet ive also tried concieve plus lube.. 
I'm getting to the point where i feel like giving this journey up and to be quite honest having that clearblue situation happen to me was cruel because it had given me and my partner false hope.. Everyone around me is pregnant family members and friends are annoucing there news (one after another) that we have been longing to shout from rooftops ( FOR REAL THIS TIME) i'm sorry if i have offended anybody if there story is worse than mine but why do i feel so alone!... :(