My induction story

I went into the hospital for an induction 11 days after my due date. I was started on an oral medication to help soften the cirvix. 12 hours later my cirvix had little change. They decided to use a foley bulb to get my cirvix down to where it should be. I didn't have any pain medicine at this point and the foley bulb was one of the most painful things I've experienced in my life. The foley bulb got me to about 5cm when it "popped out". At this point I was already over 24 hours into this induction - no food or water & I was already completely spent physically. At this point it was around 11 am - the beginning of day 2, they were able to start the pitocin. I was advised to get an epidoral at this point because the contractions were to come on stronger and harder faster. By 1 I'm getting the epidoral because I just don't have it in me to take much more pain with no energy even though I tried my hardest to go as natural as possible😓. By 9pm I'm a 10 and it's time to push. I push for 2 hours before the dr sees anything in the canal, then I push another hour with no improvement - my baby was stuck. When the dr told me the baby was stuck I threw a fit. I'm a small girl, I'm about 5 foot tall, 100lbs pre pregnancy. My last sono the week prior estimated my son to be 8lbs 4oz, already a relatively large baby for someone my size. The dr explained he was stuck in my canal for an hour but his vitals were good so we should just continue to smash him through. I was so annoyed! If you knew he was stuck why would I continue to shove him into a place we can't get him out of anyway? Needless to say an hour later at about 10:45pm I was being wheeled into the OR for a c-section. I was strapped to a table like Jesus on the cross & pumped with so much medication I thought I was freezing to death. My husband walked in 15 mins later and at 11:24 my son pulled out of me. Antonino was born 9lbs 1oz and 22 inches. This was totally not my birth plan in any way shape or form but sometimes you have to roll with the punches. 43 hours of torture melted away when my husband showed me my son. We didn't get to do skin to skin or instantly breast feed  like I originally wanted but we are both healthy so I can't ask for much more. (Don't you just love his RBF lol)