Baby Ethan born at 37+5 weeks

Our baby boy Ethan decided to join us on May 17th. 
I started having contractions in the morning but they were not regular at all so I started cleaning the house after all the kids were in school. After I was done cleaning I sat down to chrochet a little and started to time my contractions that is when I realized that they came already every 4-6 mins and I had to breath trough them. That was 3:15pm and I was thinking that he had to wait a little longer until all the kids where back home from school. By the time the kids came home around 4:15pm the contractions came every 4 mins and where pretty intense. My husband called earlier and I told him to not come home to late from work so he left work at 4 pm and was home by 4:30pm. We waited about half an hour before we left for the hospital just to make sure the contractions don't go away. Around 5:30pm we got to the hospital and checked me and I already was 4 cm dilated so they told me I had to stay now. An hour in triage and they checked me again and I was already a good 5-6 cm. so we moved to our birth room. At around 7:45pm they broke my water and I was a 7cm. And then it went quick because at 8:24pm our little Ethan was born after two pushes. 
He was 6lbs 9oz and 20inches long.
After 24 hours we went home