TTC and have never tried OPK

Alison • ✌🏻.❤️.🌎
Hey ladies!! My husband and I are TTC but are schedules are SO hectic. We figured OPK's would help us to determine when to have sex considering we don't have time to just 'do it' all of the time. I've never tried them..and honestly feel like a complete noob. Is a faint like on an OPK the same as a faint line on a pregnancy test? Does this mean I'm ovulating?
No judgment please,just looking for advice..thank you all and good luck in your baby endeavors 
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I recommend the digital ones, these are confusing at times. Also this is negative,as the line has to be as dark or darker than the control line. I'm quite the noob myself but I try to look at others posts here to get a better idea of what a positive looks like,specifically with these. Baby dust to you✨


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The line will be as dark or darker than the control line. Then once you get that positive, you will most likely ovulate the next 12-36 hours 


Beebee • May 23, 2016
You should also take the OPKs at same time everyday, usually in afternoon. Once I get in my fertile window I take them twice a day


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Thank you ladies!!


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Those test are for a digital so you have to go by the smiley face ,if it's blinking your high if it's a solid smiling face then ur at peak.


fa • May 23, 2016
just try a new test .these you can not go by lines.


Alison • May 23, 2016
My little digital reader was broke. The little book icon came up. When I popped it out though I saw the two lines and assumed if I had two it meant to BD? Should I just buy a new reader?