Emotional rant

To start this rant off I'd like to just say I have no friends and my SO isn't much help...
I'm so tired of everything right now like I seriously always feel like crying like my life is constantly falling apart and I'm streched to my breaking point  TTC is becoming so stressful this TWW is driving me nuts my boyfriend broke up with me this morning over some stupid bs Then we talked and worked it out he's constantly accusing me of cheating like CONSTANTLY !!!!! He can't even go one day without questioning something I said or he heard while we were on the phone .... My hours are getting cut at work and I just got a letter saying my rent is being raised $100 around the same time my hours are getting cut .... Iv had constant back pain for the last week and almost a constant headache along with the back pain... I'm stressed that I can't conceive cause I had an eptopic due to my cheating ex !! I'm gaining weight to where my clothes don't even fit none of my bras fit and I feel like I'm seconds away from loosing my mind ..... I can't stand being at work I can't stand my SO's "trust issues" I can't stand any of this anymore why do people have to make life hard when it's already fucking hard enough my SO doesn't see shit I do for him and I don't even feel loved at all by him anymore ugh I have no life no friends no one to talk to I just feel so alone right now ... Sorry For my rant but I really have no one to talk to in my life