Thinking back...

LeAnna • Been TTC for 2 years after a miscarriage. Just diagnosed with PCOS.
2 years ago yesterday I saw my baby for the first time. Just a circle in a sea of black and white fuzz, but after 2 weeks of fear and spotting I was so happy.... 2 years ago today I got confirmation that I was losing my baby. At 7 weeks it was only 5 weeks along in development and it had started to fall. Only a day after finally getting good news I got the worst news of all. I've been TTC since but it is just so hard to keep my hopes up... I have one more chance to get pregnant before my doctor moves to alternatives. My husband and I are so heartbroken even 2 years later, and we feel like we are drowning in a sea of despair. I found this app a few days ago, and I really hope it can help us. I don't know what I would do if they come back and tell me it's impossible for me to get pregnant. It is all I have ever wanted....