Situation.. Please read..

This is pretty long so I apologize ahead of time...
Ok so my LMP was Feb 27th. Got a positive at home April 2nd. Went to the doctors and got a positive in clink April 7th. My periods have ALWAYS been regular. Every month for 3 to 4 days. Always on time. I keep track of my periods. I am 26 years old with three healthy boys. Ages 2, 4, and 9. From that information I should be 13 weeks and 3 days about. But unfortunately my first ultrasound was not till "11w4d" and from the ultrasound, they saw a sac with no fetal pole. Two days later saw my doctor and she wanted to do a hormone test to make sure everything is fine because they believed it was too soon to tell anything. Maybe it's an early pregnancy they said. I have not had any spotting or any pain. So I go back 3 days later and they wanted to schedule another ultrasound, which they did. I went in again and they did another hormone test so they can compare the first one to the second one. Now I finally went to the doctors today and a seen a different doctor. And she explained everything to me the way a doctor should that I won't be going back to the previous one. She explained to me that from my hormone test my numbers were at 50,000 and went down to 27,000 but from the ultrasound everything seems to be going semi positive. The second time around they saw a sac with a ring inside as if a baby is forming. She said she doesn't want to just give me medication or send me to do a DnC if everything turns out good. She said this has happened before where everything can come out good or where it can be come out bad but she wants to make sure before anything. So now I'm waiting for a week in a half for my next ultrasound because I did the hormone test today. Now my question to you ladies. Has ANYTHING like this every happened to you? I've had healthy pregnancys. Nothing like this and it's scary. They waiting is what keep me up at night. The not knowing! 😢😔