Could my son be teething??

He is 7 months.. He is usually happy n up most of the day and sleeps all night..
About two days ago he has been uncomfortable.. Seems to cry a lot and biting excessively.. And today I noticed he is sleeping more than usual... He grabs the bottle and seems to chew it.. He doesn't drink much milk but then all of a sudden drinks a lot.. He was warm this afternoon.. I didn't take his temp until later but at that time he seemed to have normal body temperature .. Last week he started drooling more than usual.. And he got a cold last week.. Now he is just coughing .. I don't know what else .. I think that's it .. I don't want to go to the hospital because they will not do anything. I'm going to go to the doctor on Monday. Until then has anyone gone through this?? If so, was it teething?? What can I do to make him feel better??