Am I being crazy?

Ok I've been blowing up at my boyfriend all day and I feel bad because I could communicate my feelings in a healthier way but I just get so upset and he doesn't seem to understand why. So here's the first situation:
He gets his hair cut by an ex friend of me. She's my ex friend because she talks shit about me to everyone. Tells everyone my business and makes fun of me. But what does it say about me and my relationship if she cuts my boyfriends hair? I think it makes it seem like I'm the one who did something wrong in the friendship and that if my bf still talks to her (but he doesn't even like her she's just good at cutting hair) but that makes me look bad! It makes it seem like my bf doesn't stand by my decisions. 
The second scenario: we're in line at a store and the person in front of me goes up to one of the registers and I take a tiny step forward because a bunch of us were packed together and I wanted space. I wasn't asserting myself as next in line (because I wasn't and I know I wasn't) I just wanted space. And my boyfriend grabbed my arm and told me to stay back and that I wasn't next and looked at the lady who was next and apologized! What am I? A child! He can be so degrading sometimes. Am I overreacting? 

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