BF, colic and allergies!

To all the moms with "colicky" babies....
I just assumed that my 7 week old had colic and there was nothing I could do. I tried a few over-the-counter remedies but she still cried for hours & hours between 4 and 11pm. Someone finally said maybe she has an allergy. I was pretty sure that wasn't the case, especially since she sleeps fine and no one in my family has allergies of any kind.
Just for the heck of it,  I bought her to the pediatrician and they tested her poopy diaper only to find trace amounts of blood! I was floored since they said the blood often isn't visible. They listened to her stomach and said it sounded "like the 4th of July" in there. They said she is definitely allergic to something I'm eating (I exclusively BF). My poor baby!! All this time I just thought she was cranky!! They suspect dairy, so I'm on a super strict diet to test out the theory. In any event, I wanted to share this story in case you are experiencing the same thing. Get your baby checked out!