Just got home from the ER


The past few days I had been having back pain where my kidneys are located and all the symptoms an infection. I'm a CNA at a nursing home, and of course working in health care you need to be bleeding out, having a seizure, and pooping your pants in order to be sent home early. So I waited out the shift, and went straight to the ER. Come to find out, I have 2 infections. One being a urinary, the other being vaginal. Also, I have subchorionic hemorrhage. All of which is not fun stuff.

However, tonight I had my first ultrasound where I saw my sweet miracle move. Because of my past medical history, I was told at 17 that I would never conceive. Now, at 19, almost 20, I'm 9 weeks and 4 days with a completely beautiful peanut. My biggest wish in life has always been to be a mom and to work in health care. Now here I am, pregnant, working full time as an aide, and a part time nursing student.

Never give up on your wishes, because you may just find a miracle!