I just never know!!!

I am so frustrated and annoyed!! 
I'm on day 40 of my cycle now and no sign of AF (I do have PCOS though so it's hard to know when to expect it). My last two cycles have lasted 39-41 days so I was hoping it was going to stay somewhat regular. I usually have all the same symptoms before my period- spots break out all over my chin, my breasts feel full and tender, cramps start a day or two before and I get so emotional but I've had none of this! I have been checking my CM and CP everyday and last time I checked it was almost too high to reach, tightly closed, very squishy and there a lot of lotiony mucous (sorry for the TMI!!!!), and it's quite strange because I'm usually quite dry. I've had different symptoms the past few days- terrible heartburn, hot flushes, struggling to sleep, a bit of an upset stomach, cravings for savoury snacks.. more like a burning desire lol 
I'm just fed up never knowing what's good on with my own body, we've been TTC for a year now so the disappointments are just stacking up. 
I hate jumping to the idea of pregnancy when I feel something different because I know I'll be let down, but I did test a few nights ago because I just couldn't resist (BFN obviously). I never even know when to test because AF is so irregular. 
I need advice or just an opinion on my situation. 
I hope you all get your miracle really soon!!! 💖