Sleepless night, help!

Anna • I am 26 year old happily married woman. I love reading, traveling around the world, pets, music and so much more.
Maybe someone can give me an advice, I ran out of ideas. Usually we sleep pretty good, but for some reason this night was horrible and I can't understand what's wrong. He just wouldn't sleep no matter what I do. I tried: rocking, putting him next to me, mamaroo, pacifiers... I thought it might be gas so I tried; massage, gripe water, gas drops, windi rectal tube. I fed him over and over again and changed pampers. He doesn't have a fever. He calms down for a moment and as soon as I make it to bed cryes again. My period started suddenly last night, could it affect milk? Or what is it? We are breastfeeding. Thanks P.S. He is 5 weeks old