TMI Pic. Idk what to make of this?

🦖Meg🦕 • It’s time, I am ready. After several miscarriages, one ectopic & finally one pregnancy that made it to term. We have waited a few years before even thinking about it. Now We are ready! TTC for #2.
While I was on the shower tonight I spotted this dangling from me. I pulled on it, it's slimy and elastic. I'm do how to describe it. I believe I ovulated late. My original estimate for AF this month was supposed to start 6 day's ago. AF didn't show. I tested Thursday and today both came back BFN. I've been spotting off and on for a bit over three weeks. Now Glows new estimate for my period is to begin on Wednesday. I had an ectopic pregnancy last summer and as you can imagine I'm scared to do a repeat. Idk what to think this is. Any ideas?

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