I feel like I'm being punished

I found out I was pregnant about 3 weeks ago. I was scared but excited to have a baby since my other 2 are growing up so fast. By my calculations, I was about 8 weeks today. I started having some light spotting but didnt think anything of it since its normal in early pregnancy. Until my bleedimg started getting heavier & heavier. I just knew what was happening & wanted my body to take the natural course. Well with heavy heart, I just passed my baby at work 😥 I had to see my baby & hold it. My baby was even still in the placenta 😥 I seriously cant stop crying. I feel like I'm being punished because I have had an abortion before and me & my bf have been trying to have a baby. It just feels like I get blessed with a baby just for them to be ripped out of me 😢