Seven months and still no luck any suggestions?

Britney • I'm a happily married to the love of my life and I'm a 27 year old who is graduating university soon this year and is hoping to start having some beautiful babies soon! We have had one pregnancy and miscarriage at 7 weeks so far hoping for a rainbow baby
We do bbt opks we did the syringe method this last month preesed bd as much as possible (our only issue is we can't just *relax* as many people suggest my husband can only have sex about once a month if we can't do the syringe method (we can do almost everyday with it) because of a medication he takes were so stressed about conceiving and we have tried the just relax method it didn't work lol I'm pretty sure I've had two chemical pregnancies now too so I am really concerned what can we do to concieve?
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Posted at
Have you tried preseed? This is our first month trying it. we have been trying for 7 months now. Good luck to you 


???🙉🙊🙈 • Jun 12, 2016
I read that folic acid is good to take and so is magnesium. Good luck


Britney • Jun 12, 2016
aw thanks you too ya we have this will be our third month trying with it hoping maybe using something like maca root will help


Posted at
Remember it can take a healthy couple up to a year to conceive. Try doing CM checks. They give you a good idea of where you are in your cycle. 


Britney • Jun 12, 2016
:) ***


Britney • Jun 12, 2016
I know it's just so hard to rationalize that lol it feels like ages and my mom keeps telling me that she just looked at Mt dad and was pregnant which isn't helping lol I do do cm and cervix checks though :=