Discouraged already

I think I may have made a mistake by starting to read and post here when my husband and I haven't even started TTC just yet. I've read so many posts about all the difficulties, disappointments, and heartbreak people have endured over many months or even years of TTC, and it's now making me start to wonder if I'm strong enough to handle that. I know my husband would be able to handle it and he would be an excellent support for me, but at the same time I wonder if I should put him through that. We both can't wait to have children and he tells me regularly how much he looks forward to being a father. But if it's going to be that difficult of a journey and take us a long time to be successful, will we decide it's not going to happen and give up?
All around me on social media, I see pictures of new babies and pregnant women, and I see all the expectant moms at my work, and I get excited to try for our own. And then I talk to my friends who have struggled to conceive and read all the posts here, and I'm afraid.
I guess only time will tell how my TTC journey will go. I'll just have to try to keep from being discouraged until I know.