Going thru divorce number two..

Jinxiie • Just a normal woman looking for advice and what not.
So I am 27, and currently going thru divorce number two. I have a terrible time with bouncing from guy to guy mainly because Im terrified of being alone (I know, its stupid.) Eitherway, this is clearly a problem and I have been dumb enough to allow two of them to manipulate me into a marriage I knew would not last. Long story short.. Of course I met someone already (divorce final in two weeks) and it pisses me off because he is literally as close to perfect for me as it gets. I am hell bent to spend this time alone trying to find myself so I dont end up here again.. How the hell do I go about making myself NOT think of him? I get so mad at myself for spending so much time with him, and always thinking of him. My heart is telling me to back off, but my mind is apparently on a diff page altogether as it keeps letting him roam thru there. He knows all about the ex to be.. Because he is his boss.. Yeah, and there we have red light number one. We have talked a little about it and agreed to be friends (although as with everytime that line has ever been used.. He is throwing mixed signals all over the damn place), I just need some advice from the lovely ladies (or men, I think?) on how I can go about letting this go? It literally pisses me off that Im so weak after all the BS.