Anyone else feel this way??

Hello, I've been TTC for 1yr and 6 months. I've had two Mc on aug 8 and June 3rd. I just got my positive ovulation yesterday after doing the deed and I had a bunch of mixed emotions. Excited, confused, scared. I want to be pregnant again but I don't know if I could handle another Mc... if that's all that's ever going to happen for us for now on, idk if I should just give up. I'm already to the point of if it happens, it happens. But ive thought about going back on bc. But what if I do and I miss out on having another full term pregnancy(I do have an almost 4yr old daughter). I know there's no way to tell or predict it but it just makes me nervous. I'm more so ranting and seeing if anyone else has been thru this after multiple Mc or anytime and found a way out of this fear?