Kidney stones during pregnancy

The other night I thought I was having Braxton Hick's contractions. I'm 6 months pregnant and they weren't too bad or consistent at first. After a little while, it became this constant pain. I tried drinking a glass of water, laying on my left side, propping my feet up, even taking a warm bath and nothing helped. At that point, I was convinced that I was in pre-term labor. I called my husband and he came and got me and took me to the ER. After being hooked up to tons of machines and having a bunch of tests run, they determined that the baby was perfectly healthy, but I had kidney stones. They had dislodged from my kidneys before I had gotten to the hospital. I just wanted to share my story. Maybe some of y'all have had similar happen or will have that pain while pregnant. It's not always the worst possibility.