Just want to be in the clear...

It seems like every 2 weeks I've had sort of scare with this pregnancy. Since the beginning, I've been having spotting off and on. One doctor told me I would miscarry. But baby kept growing. Spotting went away for a bit. Then, the baby wasn't growing as fast as they'd like. Next check up, my fluid was too low and leaking. Then, bright red bleeding at 14 weeks. Now, the placenta is abnormally large. I have an appointment with a high risk specialist tomorrow. I've had to see my OB every two weeks since finding out I was pregnant. I just want some normalcy so that I can get on and enjoy this pregnancy. 😔 I found out we're having a boy and I'm just having a hard time being excited when it seems like every visit is faced with a new obstacle. My last pregnancy seems like a cake walk in comparison...