My little fur babies gone missing all thanks to my stupid husband!

We've had our indoor cat 4 years after finding and rehoming her when her owners didn't want her, she's been out in the garden on a lead but she's never been out alone and not off the property. My husband went out with his friends drinking and I got woken up at 3am by him shouting at me and shaking me telling me she's missing, I go up to her room (a converted attic) and he's opened the window as far as possible and she's gone! He's blaming me because I was in the house and should have been with her all the time he was gone (she came down at 12 for treats and went back to her room, she's a loner and likes attention when she wants not when you want her). I've combed the streets looking for her but no sign of her, it's now 5.45am and I'm now logging her on every lost and found site while he's cried himself to sleep! Please keep your fingers crossed my baby comes home or is found safe.

I've been up on the roof sivanna, unfortunately there's a lot of easy ways for her to jump down.

Yes rachael, it's has a double bed for her with all her toys and her favourite chair out the lounge.

We've found her! She was at the top of the street in in a garden stuck under a plant pot