Dear neighbour

Macy • 🏇🎤🎸🎣⚽️🔫🤰🐾
If I have to get up and close my window because you're going to complain to my other neighbors by screaming right because my window about not being able to get a job because you wait too long to apply and you never actually worked in your life. Don't complain about welfare and government at fucking 7:30 in the morning by my window. Don't start telling my other neighbour how to live their life when I'm sleeping because I'm a cranky ass morning person who is soon getting her period and just wants to scream and cry, phones were created for a reason. I would be so happy if you learned how to use them. And when you learn how to use them you may then call a career centre and complain to them. Don't call your family dumb when I can hear you because your making me even more cranky. And fore the love of god stop talking about death and funerals to my other neighbors who's father is very sick and stop telling her to start planning a funeral. The amount of times I just literally screamed is retarded. You cannot stand by my window for a hour and scream. I like my sleep. Thanks.