Menopausal mom driving me crazy

My mom is currently going through menopause and has become very angry. She starts random fights with my dad and has recently started them with me too. I'm 21 and moved back home about a year ago because college is cheaper in my hometown. I have been taking summer classes and I work in a research lab at my university. I clean my bathroom and the kitchen. I also clean out the refrigerator when it needs to be done and I have been writing recommendations for girls who want to join the sorority I used to be in. Tonight, I was busy and my mom looked at me with the angriest look on her face and started yelling about how no one helps her around the house 😞 I'm just like "what more do I need to do?!" I made her a fucking delicious cake for her birthday as well. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I need to find a job that actually pays and get the hell out for my sanity...😡