
My son is almost 7 months old and I love him more than anything. I have been battling depression and anxiety for years but lately it seems to be getting worse. I have no one to talk to. My husband doesn't care when I get upset I'm just told to stop crying its not that bad, my mom is all about my brother, my sister doesn't understand (she thinks it's a game for attention) and my brother only cares about himself. I have no friends, so basically I am left to deal with this on my own. No I don't have thoughts of harming my child.. Its the complete opposite. I panic at the slightest cough and I always think of the worst case scenarios ( it took me a long time before I would take him out of his carseat in public for fear I would slip and fall resulting in him being hurt.) To make matters worse I had a faint positive pregnancy test about a week ago and now all test come up negative so my husband thinks I'm crazy. I just don't know what to do I just feel so overwhelmed. I get up at 5 every morning to take my husband to work almost 2 hours away and I don't make it home til around 7 or 8 at night, I then cook, bathe and feed my son, find work clothes for my husband and pack a bag for the next day. I stay exhausted and my husband doesn't have a care in the world about me or anything for that matter.

Sorry for the long post.