Best course of action and/or getting someone fired

Let's say your SO, a quiet and sweet person, went to the grocery store and there's two guys that work there.

Let's say they constantly pick on your SO, but are no where to be found when you're there with him/her. You've seen them whispering while looking at you and him or her, but never been there when they do anything public.

Let's say that today he/she went to the store and these two screamed n*gger at your SO if they were black, or tr*nny if they're transgender, f*g if you guys are gay, or whatever derogatory term that your timid and nice-guy SO could fit under. This happened right in front of every man, woman and child in the store by the way. It's a busy store.

Would you:

A. Report them to management that day.

B. Blow off their behavior again.

Keep in mind that this is the ONLY store near you. There is no going to another store unless you want to drive a extra 40 minutes from home. Your SO also had to leave for work or risk being late, so they had to leave but could easily come back and report these guys to management.

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