My mother is stressing me out!!!

So my DH is away with work for the next 2 months and unfortunately can't be here for the birth of our first born. My mother decided to come to stay with me so that I'm not alone in the delivery room which is amazing. I appreciate it and all and am it due until end of July but her presence here so far is completely stressing me out. I'm currently off work and have nothing to really occupy my time during the day as the nursery is complete and organized and everything around the house is ready to go. I still feel a purpose doing simple tasks like the dishes or dusting and don't mind if she helps with other chores like vacuuming. I have explained this to her and even made a list of the tasks that I would like to still do but she secretly does them in the morning before I get up and then I get upset with her. I told her I understand she's just trying to be helpful but I need something to wake up and do because the days are long for me. She is also able to work from her computer at our house so it's not like she doesn't have anything to do. When I confront her, even in a nice way, she gets defensive and runs off to the guest room and almost pouts and then turns around and tells me I'm spoiled and selfish and never say thank you. It's really stressing me out and I don't want it to harm the baby. She especially stressed me out this evening when she started yelling at me telling me I was spoiled. I told her that she knows that's not true because I'm not telling her to do all these things for me she's just doing them without being asked. Anyone else at their wits end with their mother???