How to deal with sadness

So I have been really sad lately, every little thing just really makes me cry for hours and my boyfriend is not helping at all, he's not a patient person n is working on controlling his anger, i know he can be mean and later on just come and say sorry but I don't know what to do anymore, when he gets mad at me he will say things like I can't believe you're gonna be the mother of my child, I'm so tired of you, I can't wait to be done with you, I regret the day I met you or I wish I could go back in time, he has even told me once our baby is born he's going to take her away from me, I have always say he says this things because he's mad but I can't help it but cry I have been crying almost all my pregnancy and I think this can affect my baby in some way, how would you guys deal with this? I'm tired of feeling like shit :(