Doctors being unreliable,i need your advice. What would you do?

So I'm starting to get very upset with my midwife and her office because first of all,she is only in two times a week. And the days she is in keep changing every week. The only days that work for me to be able to have appointments, she isn't in. I've been having my appointments every Tuesday(and I tell them every time Tuesday is the only day I can have appointments out of the few days she is in,and explain my situation every time. So,I was supposed to have an appointment this week,and every week from now on (I'm 36 weeks and 3 days) so at my appointment last week, I couldn't get an appointment for this week cause she was booked all day Tuesday. So i told them i didn't have a choice but to skip this week in that case . So I scheduled for an appointment the following Tuesday,the 5th. They just called me this morning and said she won't be coming in on the fifth. And I'd have to reschedule. I reminded them for the 1,000th time Tuesday is the only day I'm able to come due to my fiancés job. She got annoyed with me and asked me why my fiance can't just tell his manager to get him off early on Wednesday and come that day. I told her that's not a possibility. And he'd have to be off really early cause it's an hours drive to get to my appointments . And she said "well then,I don't know what to tell you. We will just make it for the following week. Tuesday the 12th." I'm gonna be 38 weeks and some days pregnant by then. My last appointment was at 35 weeks. This seems like way to long at this stage in my pregnancy to wait between appointments. Not only this,but I'm supposed to give birth at the midwife center and they are only open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10-5!! What if I went into labor while their closed? As of right now I'd have no clue what to do or who to call except just go to the hospital, which I don't want to so. I wanted my water birth I imagined. Now of course I'm gonna call them and tell them my concerns,but I just feel like they should be making me feel comfortable. Giving me an emergency number to call in case I go into labor,and definitely not letting me go 3 weeks without an appointment at the very end of my pregnancy. Anything can happen these last 4 weeks.And they still haven't even done the GBS test,which I was positive for last time. Idk they are just making me nervous right Now,like you guys are gonna be delivering my baby?? now I'm rethinking my whole birth plan. Am I crazy? They are stressing this momma out.