Prayer chain please!

I am currently 33 weeks and 3 days pregnant (Due Aug 14th) long story short. (As possible) my oldest child (I have 2 one on the way) will be 9 in September. His father just won't quit with taking me to court for custody we have joint legal and I have primary physical. Last time he had me served with papers my now 4 year old daughter was 2 weeks old. Way to rain on our parade right 😢 well he's done it again. We live in Ohio he lives in Georgia (8 hours away) so what's he do files emergency custody while he has my son for summer break😖😤 so me and my husband have to travel to Georgia for court when I'm 37 weeks pregnant! Because he lied and said my husband has a criminal record (for those who are skeptical apparently you can claim anything and a judge will sign emergency custody) and also accusing my husband of abusing my son 😲😲 oh and said he didn't wanna pay child support until the hearing so that was stopped also. Please keep us in your prayers, that we will turn this all around prove allegations to be false and that I do not go into labor in Georgia! I have to have a csection at 39 weeks so I'm just afraid the stress of the situation could cause labor. I should add my Doctor stand behind me and supports our decision to travel. I mean that's my baby boy I have to. I've just been having a hard time dealing with this all. So prayers couldn't hurt. Sorry, I know that wasn't actually short. Pictures of our sweet family. My husband is the most loving stepfather who doesn't have 2 step kids but 2 kids he loves so much. He would never hurt them.