What age should you stop having sex in front of your child?

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I can't have sex in front of our cats


Marisa • Aug 13, 2016
Omg same


Mara • Jul 2, 2016
We have two. one used to climb into bed with us. shut them out and they howl and scratch on door. can't wait for crying baby to kill the mood


Elle • Jul 1, 2016
Madison try having 3 of them lmao you out one cat out, go back to put the second one out and the first cat runs back in 😂😂😂 total mood kill 😂


Posted at
What the actual eff... Never ever ever 


Madison • Jul 6, 2016
🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank you Meghan


Meghan • Jul 6, 2016
Y'all are so immature it's ridiculous. No one said you can't have sex with your child in the room. All we said is we wouldn't and you act all psycho and freak out. Good for you if you would we wouldn't. End of story.


Yasmin • Jul 6, 2016
Same Same Same. 😊😊😊😘


Posted at
How about when they're born? 


Se • Jul 3, 2016


Belinda • Jul 1, 2016


Posted at
My son is 6 months old and shares our room for now. We still have sex when he's asleep. We did the same with his brother. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's not like we are screwing and staring at our sleeping baby. It's only perverted of you make it perverted. 


Tiffany • Jul 6, 2016
While I personally don't think I could get in the mood with my sleeping child in the room, I'm sure I'd have to get over it if room sharing was our only choice. But, T, I don't think in the 27 months my daughter has been alive that my husband and I have EVER been at home together without her.


T • Jul 3, 2016
l have luckily not been in that situation. i wouldn't be in that situation. but my child is now a Teenager and you can call bull shit if you want but no my s.o. and i have not had sex while my child is home. I find it odd and uncomfortable and so neither of us would be pleased. so we wait until my child isn't home away at school or at a friend's house or anything as long as they are not home. i find the fact that people in the old days ( i think i already mentioned this) that only had a small place and had multiple children means obviously they were having sex while their children were in the same room and that i find it odd and disturbing. im very blessed to have a significant other who gets it and understands it and after over a decade of being together he is still here. loves my child and myself. love is what a relationship and family is built on . not sex. we don't have sex if my child is home. do i think that people shouldn't have sex if their child is home no i know thats un heard of. but in the same room absolutely not. oh and to the point where if i lived with either his parents or mine i had that happen our lease was up on an apartment and we hadn't closed on our house yet..... so we did stay with family for a bit. longer then i would have liked my child stayed in his room there and i stayed in my old room. where was my s.o. he had two options stay at his parents home or stay with my child and me at my parents but he had to sleep in the basement. that's what he chose because he didn't want to be away from us. so when i say i wouldnt have sex in my parents home its out of respect and we didn't!


Kate • Jul 3, 2016
Yeah I agree Jazy. I just think people are taking this the wrong way!


Posted at
So, it's not okay to put a baby in the crib and have sex with the baby in the room so you can keep an eye on the baby, and it's not okay to leave the baby alone so you can go to the bathroom? Got it. 👌


Dazia • Jul 4, 2016
Children know at a very early age what sex is and they can have sexual urges as early as five


Yasmin • Jul 2, 2016
That's exactly the problem. Another thing no one thinks of is that not everyone has a Separate room for their child. Doesn't mean that they Shouldn't have Sex for years until their child is grown. They Shouldn't have to go out of their way to have Sex just to temporarily avoid their childs existence


B • Jul 2, 2016
Don't think anyone thinks that either. One of the choices is a 3 y/o though. Which only adds to the misunderstanding of the post.


Posted at
Ok so no one has had sex while their sleeping baby was in the room?.....yea...right...


Tiffany • Jul 19, 2016
Nope I haven't. My daughter was in her own room before the 6 weeks ago was up!


Sh • Jul 5, 2016
Right... my baby's nursery is in our room so it's unavoidable and I've never found it weird. I'm not gonna put a damper on me and my husband's sex life now that we have a child. People make a big deal out of everything.


J • Jul 3, 2016
I sure haven't, and never will...


Posted at
Until you actually have a CHILD, how could you possibly know what you will and won't do? Please explain the gross and disgusting part?! Do you leave your child alone while you go have sex or just sit your child outside the door until you're done? 


Ajaysia • Jul 19, 2016
whether or not if your child is asleep, it's still pretty weird to fuck with a child present in the room. It's weird to fuck with a pet in the same room none the less your child. Plus how approached this question is pretty disturbing and gross


Sharon • Jul 4, 2016
I have a child and I would never have sex while she's in the room. we do it while she's sleeping and have the monitor on so we can watch and hear her.


Cierra • Jul 3, 2016
At what point did I say that my child would be AWAKE?


Posted at
Also, it's a baby infant child. It's not going to know why you are doing. Wtf. This is too dramatic I can't...


Brittany • Jul 2, 2016
What is the point of these posts! Some people have no lives I swear


Yasmin • Jul 2, 2016


Posted at
Loads of comments from people who clearly aren't parents.


🐘🐘🐘 • Jul 5, 2016


Arielle • Jul 3, 2016
There's definitely not a problem doing things differently but most of the comments are completely as if anyone who has sex with their sleeping kid in the room is overly disgusting or a horrible parent.


J • Jul 3, 2016
And plenty of comments of people that cant believe other parents can manage to do things differently. I am a parent my son is now 4 and never did I have sex with my child in the same room... To each their own!


Posted at
My baby will only spend a few weeks in our room once born but when the baby is under 6 months it doesn't matter.  Just make sure the baby is sleeping and clearly not in your bed!   Everyone who says its gross.  I guess you will stop having sex once you get pregnant because baby is literally between you!  


Amber • Jul 2, 2016
some of us can't have sex while prego.


Tori • Jul 1, 2016
My son is 10 weeks old and his cot is next to our bed and we still do it while he sleeps. Babies have no idea what is happening let alone when they are sleeping! :)


Tori • Jul 1, 2016