
Please.. Anybody.. Why does my husband watch porn? Why does he not understand why I'm upset? Why can't I get over it? I've never felt so degraded.. Ugly.. Insecure.. Hurt.. Yet he "doesn't know what to tell me" "doesn't know what to say".. He's choosing porn over my happiness.. Over our marriage.. Why???
Sorry about all the arguments in the comments.. I wasn't trying to start anything.. I am simply distraught and don't know what to do..
For those not understanding, yes he has an addiction. I didn't know about it until after we got married 2 years ago. He promised he stopped and he didn't. I found out while 7 months pregnant that he still watches it and I'm sorry but it hurts.. Really bad.. My husband gets off to other women when he vowed to stay loyal to me and only me. That's the way I see it. I get that some of you don't feel the same way but unfortunately I am not you. I wish on everything I didn't feel like this but I do.. It's disgusting to me. If porn works for you then great! I'm so happy for you! But it doesn't to me, that's MY opinion. Everyone is inclined to their own. I only wanted help, suggestions and advice on what to do.. That's all.. Not hatred and hostility just because someone doesn't think the same as you do.. I'm sorry my brain works differently.. But cyber bullying is not the answer. I'm not a whiny bitch just because I have feelings.. I'm pregnant, I have hormones mixed with depression right now. Please stop the hatred.