Am I wrong ???

Talia • 20 years old
I'm 18 & my boyfriend is 21 . my boyfriend lives 3 hours away so we have a long distance relationship & see each other for a weekend every 2 weeks. my boyfriend doesn't get paid much , maximum about $250 every 2 weeks. me on the other hand , I work at VS so I make about double that every 2 weeks . my boyfriend struggles sometimes with getting food & doesn't live in the best conditions . whenever he comes to see me , I have to pay for both of our foods , any activities & our subway/metro transportation while all he pays is a $40 roundtrip bus ticket . so I can't see my boyfriend for a month due to circumstances & I got paid a nice healthy check . I haven't spent any money on new clothes for myself since I got with my boyfriend 8 months ago cause I was too busy funding our relationship . so I decided to spend some of my money to buy some clothes for myself . nonetheless , my boyfriend got mad (hence the pictures of the convo) & is mad because I didn't spend money to buy food for him online because he's too broke to afford it . the thing with him is , yes he doesn't make much money . & the majority of his money goes to his $40 bus ticket to see me & his bills. whatever food money he has left for himself , he spends in large quantities like paying for a $10 meal because he has the money for the time being instead of spending $3 for a chicken box at checkers so your money can last longer . so since he wants to "ball out" on food ,  he expects me to pick up the slack for him every time . he goes hungry because of HIS choices & im supposed to be punished for that ?? he's 21 & a man & I don't respect the fact that I'm 18 years old & basically putting bacon on the table for a grown ass man capable of making things work . I feel as though NO MAN should ask their girlfriend 24/7 to buy them food . I go out of my way to buy him little gifts now & then in addition to funding his life , he's only bought something for me twice out of our 8 months being together because he doesn't have the money . am I seriously wrong for spending money on myself this ONE TIME IN EIGHT MONTHS ?? I constantly feel like the victim in this relationship , everything is always about him . I go broke being in this relationship because all my money has to go to us with our visitations & HIM because he doesn't get paid enough . like it's not fair . sorry for this being so long , I'm just really annoyed & feel like I didn't do anything wrong .