Just need to get this out

✨sparkle🐠cubs™️✨ • Twin Momma, 🚨💉💊, married to my best friend, ALLY & bleeding heart liberal!
Hey ladies. So, I'm on cycle day 34 after my first round of clomid. I had an intense pep talk with myself some 30 days ago as I popped my first tab of clomid saying "do not fool yourself into thinking one round is all you'll need", but here I am crying on cd34 over a neg hpt. I had spotting on cd28, & then absolutely nothing, even today. If I have to take progesterone to induce my period & follow it with round 2 of clomid, I'm going to be put in prison or an asylum. I don't know if my brain can handle that much hormone at once without stripping down completely naked in the midst of a hotflash & chasing my husband around the backyard in a homicidal rage.😖😂
Ok, I feel a bit better now that I've gotten that out. Does anyone have any advice or a good pep talk? I'm so burnt out & just feeling hopeless.
Thanks for listening guys.❤️