Best Baby Making Experience

So this may be TMI, but I just have to share the best baby making session I've had. 
My husband and I have been married 5 years and TTC for about 2 1/2. And by that I mean I was always stressing about it and tracking when we needed to have sex and the do's and dont's of it all. My husband has always been laid back and "it'll happen when it happens we're still young" type of mentality. He's always wants a baby before he was 30 and he's turning 29 this year so I finally broke it down to him that he needs to take it more seriously and we both need to go to the doctors.  Because if we need to look at other options besides natural we need to plan for it now. 
He went and was prescribed some meds to help his sperm count and he takes them every day - I do have to remind him most mornings because he can't function early, but he takes the acid-egg tasting pills every day with little complaint. 
What I'm getting at is I was just ovulating and he was telling me tricks he has read about as we were TTC! It sounds weird and not dirty talk, but it was the best sex because we were more emotionally connected to this life we want. 
The fact that he was saying "I've read you should be like this...lay like this for 20 minutes after...maybe put your legs in the air? Does that work?" Means he's in this just as much as I am. 
He was always in it, but now I feel like he's more determined to put a baby in me!!